
LSM Conference Information 

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March International Training for Elders And Responsibe Ones
Date: March 27-29, 2020, Anaheim, CA

Registration is required. Furhter information is available through Living Stream Ministry.

please contact: register@lsm.org


<p>February 22, 2020 Dear brothers, With the upcoming International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) in view, we have been doing our best to monitor the international health crisis caused by the international coronavirus epidemic. We have been seeking the Lord’s guidance as to how to best assure that the release of His word would not be hindered, while simultaneously heeding the health needs of the churches, the saints, and our communities. We realize that the brothers who would attend ITERO may have questions as to how this training and their participation in it could be affected by the coronavirus epidemic. We have been actively interceding and seeking fellowship as to how to best advise ITERO candidates as to whether or not they should plan to attend. However, our health professional resources indicate that it is impossible to know in a specific way what the international and domestic profile of the coronavirus situation will be several weeks from now. Despite this limitation, we hope that it will be helpful to provide ITERO applicants with the following guiding principles: If you are considering attending ITERO, we ask that you plan to do so only if you are willing to 1) comply with any instructions received from the Living Stream Office and 2) submit to any governmental advisories as ITERO approaches. Because the coronavirus situation changes day by day and week by week, we are unable to project whether weeks from now limitations upon travel from certain countries or areas will be enforced. Thus, you must be prepared to alter or cancel your plans if necessary. If travelling internationally to ITERO, we ask that you do everything possible within the limitations of your practical situation to embark on your trip in a rested state. By supporting your immune system in this way, you enhance your resistance to any infectious illness to which you could be exposed in route or during the training. If at the time of your scheduled travel to ITERO, you know or suspect that you have within the previous two weeks been exposed to someone who has contracted coronavirus or if you have contacted anyone who has traveled from China, please reconsider your plans, and do not attend. If at the time of your scheduled travel to ITERO, you either do not feel well, believe that you are falling ill, or have symptoms of respiratory illness (fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath), we ask that you reconsider your plans and not travel. If in the course of your travel or during ITERO, you sense that you are falling ill or develop symptoms of respiratory illness, do not attend the meetings of the training and do not come to the Ministry Conference Center (MCC); instead, quarantine yourself within your ITERO housing arrangement to the greatest degree possible. For the Lord to have the way to release His word to the brothers bearing responsibility among the churches and to His entire recovery amid the international coronavirus epidemic will certainly require our continuous prayer and our joint cooperation and endeavor. We hope that by proceeding according to the above considerations, ITERO, and the health of all the participating brothers will be safeguarded. For all those coming to ITERO, please remember not to shake hands with others and to wash your hands frequently. This protects yourself and others. Please continue to check the Living Stream website for any updates. <br>In Christ, The Living Stream Ministry Office</br></p>
